Monday, March 19, 2007

unhappy meals

I spend a lot of time at threadless. As far as t-shirt sites go, they definitly have the best community spirit. Even though that sometimes leads to (what i would consider) odd or bad print choices, there's always something for everyone in each batch of shirts. Most of this weeks shirts were great, and these are my personal favourites:

Inside You - Threadless, Best T-shirts Ever
Inside You by Matt Palmer, $15-17, Threadless

My fave shirt of the week comes courtesy of the one and only Matt Palmer AKA bananaphone, the illegitimate son of Mel Gibson and a thousand prostitutes, The Demon from Down Under, the Antipodean Annihilator, the Artsy Aborigin. This kangaroo punching, croc-hunting descendent of thieves and murderers has produced a shirt that manages to be both downright filthy and borderline innocent at the same time. I mean, I can't see this offending anyone, despite the fact that it centers on a tagline that would usually belong at t-shirt hell. Palmer's scribbly style fits the message well, and you really get a sense of the guy just going, fuck it. i'll put this on a tee. IMO, this should have won the fast food nation competition. get it here

Fast Food Meal - Threadless, Best T-shirts Ever
Fast Food Meal by Diogo Soares, $15-17, Threadless.
That doesn't mean the actual fast food nation winner is bad though, on the contrary it's my 2nd favourite shirt of the week. Despite some of the linework looking a bit wonky, it's a solid shirt with the kind of joke that doesn't really wear thin because you know there's a painful thruth behind it. Besides, you'd look a lot smarter while standing in line at burger king, high as a kite at 4 AM while wearing this than you would without it. It saves you the trouble of shouting "Yeah, i KNOW i'm eating pure, heart blocking filth that will one day kill me, i've learned to LIVE WITH IT FUCKERS!" at random passersby. So get it now.

Paint By Numbers - Threadless, Best T-shirts Ever
Paint By Numbers by Jesse Lefkowitz, $15-17, Threadless

Third recommendation isn't really related to the heart attack industry (except for the fact that it shows someone riding one of the most common ingredients in fast food), this unfinished paint by numbers-piece just looks plain good. If you're feeling frisky, it would probably be pretty cool to customize it by finish it off with some fabric paint, but the unfinished look is definitly one of the things that gives it its appeal (in addition to being a smart way to make the most of the max-5 print colours regulations of Threadless). Get it here.

Btw, where the hell is this weeks Threadless Select? i live and breathe off that stuff.


Blogger Pear said...

I just wanted to ask you something, when you say that B-phone is the son of mel gibson and a bunch of you mean like he was born from like 9 different prostitute, each prostitute gave birth to like a different body part?

4:30 PM  
Blogger olli said...

no, the prostitutes gave mel gibson all the semen they'd collected. mr.mad max harvested its powerand gave manbirth with such a thunderous roar that it instantly killed all the fish and wildlife in the immediate surroundings. this happened at the zoo, leaving melbourne with effectively no monkeys to pet whatsoever.

4:50 PM  

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