Monday, August 27, 2007

DBH Kickoff: And the winner is...

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Legion of doom! As a member of said coalition, this makes me very happy. Anyway, this shirt is a collaboration between 25+ designers, each drawing a robot for an all-out nuts, bolts and titanium chainsaw battle. Features silver and gold ink on a giant print, all for the measly price of $17. go to design by humans to check it out. (UPDATE: International shipping is hella expensive at the moment, but i've been assured that this will be corrected within a week. So if you live outside of the US, bookmark it and wait a few days!)
As a bonus, here's a couple of porny closeups of the inks.

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Threadless are having a back to school sale! No time to talk, lest precious stock decrease while you're wasting time reading this. Just go buy these shirts. (the pics are links):

Catonaskateboard - Threadless, Best T-shirts Ever
(i designed this one and i think it turned out great!)

Stupid Raisons, Stay Out Of My Cookies - Threadless, Best T-shirts Ever
So true. And wowee, a photoprint!

Carnie Nightlife - Threadless, Best T-shirts Ever
Sweet glow in the dark carnie action!

Wishless - Threadless, Best T-shirts Ever
By the always awesome (and musically talented!) Sonmi/Julia Heglund

In Case of Emergency BREAK DANCE - Threadless, Best T-shirts Ever
this is old so stocks are low! i live my life by this rule.

Beasts And Pearls - Threadless, Best T-shirts Ever
Kind of a girls' shirt, but there's no shame in that. especially if you're a girl and the shirt in question is as awesome as this.

See You At The Show - Threadless, Best T-shirts Ever
I wish threadless printed more of these kinds of designs

The Communist Party - Threadless, Best T-shirts Ever
A bona fide classic, finally back in stock

Clouds Within The Thunder - Threadless, Best T-shirts Ever
simple and excellent. Stocks are low!

A city built on rock n' roll would be... - Threadless, Best T-shirts Ever
Reprint! One of the best slogan shirts IMO.

Now i have a machine gun ho-ho-ho

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Machine gun sweatshirt, $27, exclaim wear

I was originally gonna make this myself, but when googling around a bit before starting i found out someone'd beaten me to it...which kind of sucks i guess, but it doesn't dampen the fact that this is the best sweater ever. If you don't know why, watch the first Die Hard again and it will all become clear. It's cafepress, so i'm not sure about the print quality, but i'm gonna order one in time for the holidays. get yours here.

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Fun fact: Did you know Die Hard was based on the book "Nothing Lasts Forever", a sequel to "The detective" which was turned into a film in the 60's starring Frank Sinatra? They actually attempted to get Sinatra back to play the part a 2nd time, but he refused it. the script then went to Robert Mitchum who also declined, and after a few years of development hell it was rewritten as a proposed sequel to the hilariously ridiculous Arnold Shwarzenegger flick Commando. Arnie also refused and after a couple more rewrites they decided to cut the ties to excisting franchises, and the newly-minted role of john mcclane was finally offered to...Richard Gere. When he declined, the property went a few more rounds before they finally settled on newcomer bruce willis for the part, a man the producers had so little faith in they didn't even put his face on the original theatrical poster. The rest is, as they say, history.

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And while we're on subject, here's another excellent movie reference shirt off a Cafepress store:
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Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

President camacho gear, shirts $19-22, strk3
Also available as a bumper sticker, coffee mug, messenger bag and a whole assortment of lesser goods.
get it here.
If you haven't seen Idiocracy yet, you should. It's very funny and highly rewatchable.

Oh, and finally, check out this 70s spiderman-style typography tribute to spiderpig of simpsons movie fame!
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available for $17 at Lucky Threadz. Go buy one here!