Threadless picks of the week
One of my fave designers, Kenneth Lavallee AKA Kennnnnnnn (actual number of n's uncertain) has made a kick-arsch design for all us chin-stroking film club geeks out there in "Le Voyage Dans La Lune", mixing the man in the moon of the original surreal sci-fi movie yarn with state of the art government-funded space shuttle technology. it's a nice bit of retrofuturism, made even better by its unconventional colour scheme.
i'm normally not that big a fan of natural and white shirts because they stain so easily(and man, do i have a habit of spilling all sorts of crap on myself when i'm drunk), but it's ok in this case because the print is so goddamn huge and complicated. it's a lovely bit of illustration too, with exellent line work and colour management. top notch.
Smokey the bear goes feral, nuff said. Great concept, and drawn amazingly well in a swanky retro style. But as much as i love this, i'm probably not gonna buy it....simply because no one would get the smokey reference here in norway. that shouldn't stop all you north americans from snapping it up like free beer at a free beer festival, though.
I dig this one because of the thin linework combined with the huge print and bright, yet subdued colours. amoebas are always ace(unless they're feeding off your internal organs or something, i guess), and the above factors combine to make this one of the nicer abstract/subtle tees threadless have printed in a while. in fact, i wish they'd print more stuff like this.
wear this to your poker night. it's white, so it will be covered in beer-and chili nut stains before the night is over, but you should wear those stains like a MAN, man. unless you're a girl, in which case you should wear them like a girl, i guess. both ways are nice in their own, uh, ways. so there. anyway, "ace" typography on this one(huhuh, geddit?ok, i'll's a nice shirt though)
Oh, and there's this one. I designed it myself, so i'm not gonna gush about how awesome it is or anything....but obviously i think you oughta buy it. Be quick though, quantities are limited and they're already out of men's size L!
All of the above and more are available from threadless at $15-17 a pop. Go get 'em tiger! Rawwr!